The Russian Museum has opened the exhibition "Future Dwelling", which encourages generalizations. These generalizations, like the works presented by the art group GrOM, are not about architecture or design, as the title would suggest. Rather, it is a poetic image that contemporary digital artists are discussing very often this fall - the exhibition with the same title has ended in Moscow, and in a week another one will open there, all about the same thing - "Garden City". The future is beautiful: to each his own universe - the slogan of the exhibition... You see - fijital art, very elegant for demonstration from our screen, but not very clear in terms of what it is really about. We promised you generalizations - these are our problems, our everyday, even ordinary futurology. How do we go on living? Starting with artificial intelligence, the main challenge we face - in art, not in art - everywhere, and we don't know what to do. And that's just part of the great and all-encompassing confusion of modern human beings. Even the drowsiest among us live in a world of double reality, and the digital one is taking hold more and more. What's out there, and what's left here? The agonizing sense of homelessness, the "lost home" - and the meta-universes ahead? How do you overcome your fear?

